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The Audio is good, i like the shooting sound, the music is good and fitting

everything works well and the music is good

I enjoyed the audio as the design of the demons screams were very well done and fits the theme of hell, the only thing you can maybe improve on is to lower the sounds that the first beasts make when they die.


I enjoyed the shooting audio, as it matched with the sense of light orbs, this also went well with the pick up audio as this was also very clear during gameplay. Background music was noticible, but it was quite easy to block out during gameplay.

Liked the sound effects and the music they were both well suited to the game

I think that the audio is very fitting for the game.Eg. the sounds that creatures make when they die fits their looks and types.The background music is noticible,but not distracting from the gameplay

the sound effects are clear and each acts good as an indicator (like when an enemy dies). Also like the start screen music.